Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Seven

A place for those with the type seven enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 7

I looked inwards

And the beauty of my own emptiness

Filled me until dawn

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Sevens to use for reflection? Sevens search for continual external stimulation to fill the emptiness they feel inside. Their emotional passion of Gluttony is one way they do this, but Gluttony only satisfies for the moment and then the sense of being full is gone. It is the inward journey that truly satisfies.

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Six

A place for those with the type six enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 6

Once the seeds of faith take root

It cannot be blown away

Even by the strongest wind

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Sixes to use for reflection? The Holy Idea or high mental state for Sixes is Holy Faith. In a world of perpetual uncertainty, Holy Faith provides Sixes the path to certainty in an uncertain world.

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Five

A place for those with the type five enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 5

Open your hands

If you want to be held

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Fives to use for reflection? Fives appear as if they need very little from others and their environments. It has been said that type Fours and type Fives are the most sensitive to a sense of existential abandonment, with Fours having “wet abandonment” and Fives having “dry abandonment.” In other words, Fours feel abandoned and weep about it, whereas Fives deal with their sense of abandonment without tears. Deep inside, however, Fives want engagement with others and deep connection; this is the meaning of the poem.

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Four

A place for those with the type four enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 4

You are not a drop in the ocean

You are the entire ocean in a drop

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Fours to use for reflection? Fours are continuously searching for deeper, profound and unending experience and connections, and when this does not occur – for example, being out of real contact with themselves or feeling separated from others – they become distressed, sad, and/or angry. Part of this is based on their feeling of being insignificant, not-enough, and/or deficient. This poem illuminates that which is more true, if they only knew it.

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Three

A place for those with the type three enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 3

That which is false troubles the heart

But truth brings joyous tranquility

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Threes to use for reflection? The Threes’ passion, aka their vice, is deceit. However, this version of deceit essentially means self-deceit: that is, believing that which conforms to and confirms your idealized self and disowning that which does not. Because the passion of deceit forms in the Heart Center, the Threes’ passion creates an emotional falsity that troubles the heart. But truth is a different story. What is your truth?

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Two

A place for those with the type two enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 2

Love yourself completely

Return to the root of your own soul

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Twos to use for reflection? Twos – at least, most Twos – are adept at showing love for others and do so continually. However, self-love is harder to do because the Twos’ focus is on the external and how others respond to them, not on their intrinsic self-valuing, which is an internal exploration. Experiencing the root of one’s own soul requires a deep inner journey and the ability to self-love and self-care without attention to the responses of others. Go there!

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type One

A place for those with the type one enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 1

If you are irritated by every rub

How will you be polished?

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Ones to use for reflection? Ones search for serenity and acceptance, yet their ego structure has them think that it is their job to notice mistakes, big and small, and to correct them. This is an endless task and takes them far from the tranquility for which they yearn.

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Questions

What questions do you have about the content or the technical aspects of our webinar series?

Post Webinar Forum – Thoughts from the Webinar Reflection Questions

Share a reflection on either of these questions posed in the webinar. Feel free to comment on the thoughts of other participants (just hit the reply button under each comment). Be sure to be encouraging and respectful of everyone’s perspective.


(How could you) let yourself be silently pulled by the stronger pull of what you truly love?-Rumi

How could you create a space where you can discover the secret yearnings of your heart? -Ignatius

Introduction: Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul Forum

Share your name and enneastyle, if you know it, as well as something you would like to learn during the Saturday webinar.