The Enneagram is used in many Sacred Art of LIving courses and training programs. It is a valuable tool for self knowledge that enhances our ability to explore life’s most important questions with others. SALC has created workshops, retreats and special webinars with an emphasis on the spiritual-psychology of the Enneagram. Preview and example of a webinar class below.
Enneagram & Spiritual Discernment Webinar #1

Spirit of the Enneagram Workshop
“Nine Portraits of the Soul”
Spirit of the Enneagram is an exceptional workshop designed to give us more insight into our relationship with ourselves, others, and the Divine. Come join others and learn—in the oral tradition—why the Enneagram has helped guide so many people to profound insight and peace.
This is the first step into an ancient and fascinating spiritual tradition that respects and draws from the wisdom of many faith traditions. No prior experience with the Enneagram is necessary.
For Program Information & Registration, visit our Events page.