A place for those with the type eight enneastyle to discuss personal growth. Rumi Poem | Type 8 There is a sacredness in tears They are not the mark of weakness But of power ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Eights to use for reflection? Eights believe that showing vulnerability of any...
A place for those with the type seven enneastyle to discuss personal growth. Rumi Poem | Type 7 I looked inwards And the beauty of my own emptiness Filled me until dawn ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Sevens to use for reflection? Sevens search for continual external stimulation to...
A place for those with the type six enneastyle to discuss personal growth. Rumi Poem | Type 6 Once the seeds of faith take root It cannot be blown away Even by the strongest wind ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Sixes to use for reflection? The Holy Idea or high mental state for Sixes...
A place for those with the type five enneastyle to discuss personal growth. Rumi Poem | Type 5 Open your hands If you want to be held ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Fives to use for reflection? Fives appear as if they need very little from others and their environments. It has been...
A place for those with the type four enneastyle to discuss personal growth. Rumi Poem | Type 4 You are not a drop in the ocean You are the entire ocean in a drop ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Fours to use for reflection? Fours are continuously searching for deeper, profound and...
A place for those with the type three enneastyle to discuss personal growth. Rumi Poem | Type 3 That which is false troubles the heart But truth brings joyous tranquility ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Threes to use for reflection? The Threes’ passion, aka their vice, is deceit....