Spirit of the Enneagram: Type Five Forum

A place for questions and reflections around the type five enneastyle.

These are the best practices offered during the webinar:

What a Five Can Do:

  • Lift weights (whether you are a man or a woman). Notice that you are organic. That means the more effort you spend, the more strength you have. Learn this truth in your body and apply it to your mind and spirit.
  • Put this sign on your desk (all fives have desks): “You have to sing like you don’t need the money.”
  • Spend time in nature reflecting on its abundance. Notice how there is always enough – and that it comes effortlessly!

Spirit of the Enneagram: Type Four Forum

A place for questions and reflections around the type four enneastyle.

These are the best practices offered during the webinar:

What a Four Can Do:

  • A prayer of gratitude is helpful. You cannot be simultaneously critical and grateful.
  • Take one day and make a point to record each time you are conscious of a feeling of longing, dissatisfaction, or depression. Examine this list at the end of the day. What can it teach you?
  • Take something you have created and meditate on its beauty and originality. Reflect on how it is the product of beauty within you.

Hi! I’m Dana Gregg, and I’ll be your Type Four mentor on this forum page. Here’s a little about me. I’ve lived and worked near Bend, Oregon, for my adult life. I have three children who are married and have amazing children, which means life is complicated! My engagement with the Enneagram for the past 15 years has served me well as a means of spiritual transformation and in navigating relationships. As an Enneagram 4, I find it to be a trusted teacher. Please post any questions about your enneatype journey and I’ll respond with my feedback and perspective. 

Spirit of the Enneagram: Type Three Forum

A place for questions and reflections around the type three enneastyle.

These are the best practices offered during the webinar:

What a Three Can Do:

  • Pamper yourself with time off because you’re already good enough. For example, “schedule” a weekly Sabbath day of rest.
  • Make a point of arranging quality time with a person whom you normally would not be inclined to visit. “Waste time” with someone or something that doesn’t feed your ego.
  • Walk through a store or mall and notice how many people are old, ugly, out of fashion or otherwise unattractive – to you. Did God make that many mistakes? Or is there another order of affection operating here?

Hi! I’m Dan Martin, and I’ll be your Type Three mentor on this forum page. The Enneagram has been an integral part of my life for almost 20 years.  I have been a student both at the Enneagram Institute and numerous e-courses and have taught the system.  Primarily, though, I’ve used the Enneagram as a tool for my own personal growth on this amazing journey.  Please post any questions about your enneatype journey and I’ll respond with my feedback and perspective.

Spirit of the Enneagram: Type Two Forum

A place for questions and reflections around the type two enneastyle.

These are the best practices offered during the webinar:

What a Two Can Do:

  • Do several symbolic things for people that nobody will find out you are responsible for. You may fantasize about the person finding out and thanking you profusely – let go of even that!
  • Spend as much time as you can alone using tools like meditation. Twos feel pressure from others, so to discover your inner truth you’ll need solitude away from that pressure.
  • Make two lists of people: those who drain your energy and those who give you energy. Make a concrete decision about how you spend your time and energy with others.

Spirit of the Enneagram: Type One Forum

A place for questions and insights around the type one enneastyle.

These are the best practices offered during the webinar:

What a One Can Do:

  • Develop your sense of humor. It reliably measures your own health and spirituality.
  • Treat yourself to aesthetic pleasures. Appreciating a thing’s beauty breaks your habit of comparing it to something else. Beautiful sacred art and music can soften an excessive moral focus.
  • Spend time outside paying attention to how imperfect nature is. What is the lesson for your soul that can be learned from the fact that all things in the universe are evolving?

Hello, my name is Marie Nugent and I’ll be your Type One mentor on this forum page. Here’s a little about me: I commenced my ennagram journey about five years ago.  At the beginning of this process, I began to understand myself in a theoretical way as a type one enneastyle but as the process has continued and I went deeper and deeper, I can see so much more it’s incredible.  My insights are now more concrete and practical allowing me to see myself from other people’s points of view. This has been so positive for my relationships with others and my relationship with myself. I am happy and looking forward to interacting with you. 

Spirit of the Enneagran Forum Page

Feel free to share questions and insights from the Spirit of the Enneagram Program.

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Nine (Continued)

Continuation of the Discussion for those with Enneastyle Nine.

Post Webinar #2 Forum

Share your thoughts, questions, and insights from Webinar #2: Embracing Your Soul Child

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Nine

A place for those with the type nine enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 9

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep!

The door is round and open

Don’t go back to sleep!

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Nines to use for reflection? Nines are known as “anger that went to sleep,” and this has many meanings. Nines keep their anger so minimal that they often don’t recognize it. Without access to their anger, however, Nines put their entire vibrancy to sleep, lose their “voice” and become disabled from expressing what they want, knowing at times what they don’t want but not what they do want. Hence the message, “Don’t go back to sleep!”

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

Enneagram as Mirror to the Soul: Type Eight

A place for those with the type eight enneastyle to discuss personal growth.

Rumi Poem | Type 8

There is a sacredness in tears

They are not the mark of weakness

But of power

~ Rumi

Why is this an important poem for type Eights to use for reflection? Eights believe that showing vulnerability of any kind is weakness; they also believe that strong is good and weakness is bad. But when they allow the tears of vulnerability to emerge and integrate this aspect of themselves, they learn that true strength includes being vulnerable.

By Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com