Question of Belief Podcast Series Episode 5 (Coming Soon!)

Man and woman contemplating with a sign post in between them

Podcast #5: What is the Value of Spirituality?

With Eric Sarensen

Description coming soon.

Question of Belief Podcast Series Episode 4 (Coming Soon!)

Man and woman contemplating with a sign post in between them

Podcast #4: Whose ‘God’ is right?

Rabbi Nadya

Renewed conflicts in the Middle East can make religious tolerance seem like an impossible dream.  We need to hear from encouraging souls like Rabbi Nadya Gross, a Jewish Renewal Rabbi, whose life work is committed to the vision of Deep Ecumenism. A term coined by Fr. Matthew Fox and developed by Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi, there is greater urgency than ever for all faith traditions to engage, affirm and learn from each other.  What is at stake is nothing less than our future and our planetary home.

Question of Belief Podcast Series Episode 3 (Coming Soon!)

Man and woman contemplating with a sign post in between them

Podcast #3: Trusting your doubts?

With Steve Koski

It is rare to find a church that sympathizes with the feelings of many persons that, “Jesus is ok but the Church has let me down.” On a local television station, pastor Steve Koski regularly invites people to explore what he calls, a Spacious Christianity. Listen to a conversation that encourages people to explore their doubts and brokenness and to trust their real life experiences.  How can we square this approach to belief with religious tradition?

Question of Belief Podcast Series Episode 2 (Coming Soon!)

Man and woman contemplating with a sign post in between them

Podcast #2: Reimagining the Divine?

With Dara Molloy

Our age seems to be calling for diversity in belief where no religion has a monopoly on truth.  For many today faith based on belief or creed is being replaced with the spirituality of experience.  Dara Molloy is a Celtic monk who teaches that the ancient path of mystical experience is inviting us back into harmony with nature.  This wisdom may be the only solution for our planetary crisis and a more tolerant world community.

Question of Belief Podcast Series Episode 1

Man and woman contemplating with a sign post in between them

Do My Beliefs Serve Me?

A Family Conversation

In many family systems today, there are big generational differences about the meaning of life and personal beliefs.   In the past, there was usually little distinction between one’s spirituality and one’s religious tradition.  Today that has shifted.  Many people today consider themselves to be spiritual though not necessarily religious.  Four generations within the same family honestly explore these questions in search for understanding and common ground.

General Discussion: Spirit of the Enneagram

This is the place to share questions and insights about the teachings found in the Spirit of the Enneagram workshop.