Sacred Art of Living Center was established in 1996 by Richard and Mary Groves in Bend, Oregon, as a first-of-its-kind non-profit educational institute providing workshops and professional development focused on whole-person caregiving. Their vision brought together more than fifty years of experience in professional health care development, depth psychology, end-of-life care, and cultural studies drawn from the world’s great wisdom traditions. All of the Center’s programs build upon personal resiliency, tools for self-care, skills to help others in all stages of life, and experiences celebrating the beautiful life journey we all share.

Our Programs Include:

Click image below to view our podcast webinar launch

Click Here to Register for the 
Kevins Way Pilgrimage

Click here to Register for the
SALC “Native Southwest Pilgrimage”


Click Here for the Full Calendar of Events


Spirit of the Enneagram
Click Here to Watch Intro Video 
on the Spirit of the Enneagram

  ONLINE SPIRIT OF THE ENNEAGRAM – JANUARY 24 – 25, 2025  Earlybird Tuition 11/30/2024 

  ONLINE SPIRIT OF THE ENNEAGRAM – JUNE 20-21, 2025  Earlybird Tuition 5/30/2025

Ignatian 30-Day Virtual Retreat

30-Day Virtual Retreat: Waking to the Presence of Mystery in All Things – Oct. 26, 2024 – Nov. 23, 2024 Earlybird tuition 10/1/2024  

Special Events
No Special Events at This Time
Art of Living & Dying
Watch for a new format and calendar for our revised Art of Living & Dying series in 2024



Healing the Healers: Art of Living & Dying Series is more about living than about dying. This series of four internationally acclaimed modules draws from the wisdom of our ancestors that the quality of life is enhanced when we do not live in fear or denial of suffering and our mortality. More…

Soul & Science is a virtual destination for caregivers designed to provide information and inspiration through an easy-to-access website. Lesson series provide real-world best practices, as well as continuing education credits. More…

Anamcara is an ancient Gaelic term meaning “soul friend.” The purpose of this two-year certification program is to deepen the quality of all our relationships and enable caregivers to become “compassionate companions” through all the stages of living and dying. More…

The Enneagram is a remarkable tool for psychological and spiritual growth. Our programs are centered around this ancient wisdom tradition which offers clinical insight that helps explain why we behave the way we we do by uncovering our unconscious motivations and deeply rooted influences. More…

SALC Preview Video: the following video is an introduction to the teachings found in our Healing the Healers: Art of Living and Dying Series.

SALC is now welcoming our community to another resource—our Lending Library.  Our Library offers a wide selection of books, all of which promote spiritual growth. More…